Saturday, July 18, 2009

Picking Up After the Series

[Content Disclosure: Reorientation]

The World Series of Poker is on hiatus for four months, so it is time to reenter the non-poker world. The final few of my poker buddies board the airplane today and Las Vegas returns to semi-normal. There has been a fair amount of poker playing the last week or so and lots of lunches, dinners and drinks. We managed sushi, german, steampots full of ocean bounty, barbeque, french and I was on the limited dining plan. One more tournament to go, I landed a seat in the the Binion's freeroll tomorrow from a final table chop sometime this past week. 

What this all means is that Keeping Your Head in the Game will once again go back to more non-poker content and for at least the next four months a bit of a travelogue. I am going to be hitting the road, mooching off family and friends for accommodations until November or thereabouts. This will also allow me to avoid making the actual decision about where I am going to live next.

There will also be discussions about the "next" book; some of my travels will be to converse with my future potential co-authors and outline some realistic timelines for a book or two. Speaking of which, Amy has a new website up for Checking-Raising the Devil give it a look, we could use the google ranking.

As for the blog here, I will keep divulging the recesses of my mind. I admit to being addicted to such disclosures and besides . . . writers have to write every day; why not be read by someone while blathering away.

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